notes on gratitude

Last Friday, I came out of my (writing) cave and joined a Spa Day session at CoRec. We meditated, colored doodles, made DIY face masks, and practiced thoughts of gratitude. I wanted to write a bit about this, after so many dragging days of (thesis) writing routines.

The most interesting point of discussion was the definition of gratitude: What does it look like to you? The girl next to me described it as what sunlight leaves on her skin – the physical warmth that feels like a pat on her shoulder, or a tight hug. Physical can also be mental and spiritual.

My definition is simple: gratitude is whenever I feel like I hit the jackpot. Sometimes, for no reason, I would freeze for a few seconds, and a surge of thankfulness just occupies my mind. Like a flood. Like the other day: I was walking to class and passed by the mini-garden in front of Pao Hall. Roses were in full bloom, and I was completely lost in that wonderland. Or when I met a friend from class and we had some quality time at a cafe nearby; I ordered a latte with oat milk and she a matcha. Or when I read my professor’s feedback, always so warm, so encouraging. Or when the Vietnamese aunties fed me with care and tenderness; that first winter will always be the warmest winter in my heart.

Or when I stood alone in the crowd of the Global Fest, listening to our mayor’s speech. He said “Welcome” is not enough. It should be “Welcome home.” This year marks the 28th year of this celebration of cultural diversity.

And tears started to roll down my cheeks.

I know many think Greater Lafayette isn’t enough, but to me, it has started to become my Home. Capitalized – well, both literally and metaphorically. I have been trying to make it Home, just as it has been trying to be mine.

So yeah, I feel thankful very easily.

Sep 22, 2023

A feast of gratitude

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